Dr. Callista Lay, DC RMT, and Dr. Rachel Vittardi are Board Certified Chiropractic Physicians that specialize in both rehabilitation and acute care. Revive Chiropractic Healing Center serves the residents of the greater Chicago, Illinois area, including residents in and around the West Loop.
book nowHow is Rehabilitation Different Than Physical Therapy?
Rehabilitation is the act of re-learning specific movements and actions. Physical therapy is the process of strengthening an injured area of the body in an attempt to elicit a healing response to allow the person to return to their prior level of activity. A good example of this is when a person experiences a stroke or severe injury that causes them to lose the memory of how to perform a certain task. Rehabilitation involves relearning the process or motion involved in performing the task and then teaching the muscles how to respond. Muscles have memory and can relearn certain tasks extremely fast. The goal of rehabilitation is to not only teach the movement but to improve strength and flexibility so that it can be performed correctly.
What Types of Activities are Involved in Rehabilitation at Revive?
Rehabilitation involves many different types of activities, and can look like many different things based on the condition and environment rehabilitation is occurring in. At Revive we utilize Rehab exercises to train functional movement patterns so you can get back to your daily activities pain free as quickly as possible. This may look like breathing exercises, re-training of extension and core activation to name a few. Our caregivers assess you and your needs to provide exercise regimens that are most beneficial to you.
How Long Does Rehabilitation Take?
The length of a person’s rehabilitation process will be determined by the extent of their injuries. People who have had strokes or are recovering from paralysis may take longer to relearn certain movements than someone who is recovering from an injury. The rehabilitation process involves relearning specific activities. When the movements have been sufficiently mastered, physical therapy will begin. Physical therapy may take longer than rehabilitation depending on how much muscle mass was lost during the rehabilitation process. Revive works closely with multiple Physical Therapists to help you find the care plan that best fits your body’s individual needs.